Thursday, April 26, 2018

Story of a Soul, The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux

St Therese of Lisieux
 (1873 -1897)

Why is it that the autobiography of a young nun, who lived anything but an eventful life, has become a classic on par with the Imitation of Christ? It is clear from reading Therese of Lisieux’s Story of a Soul that the appeal of this book is not the result of polished language, or accounts of delightful mystical experiences. It is the simple message of this book that strikes the modern mind and captivates it: Our God is a God of merciful love, and His love is worthy of our trust and acceptance.

Therese was ordered by her religious superior (who happened to be her biological sister) to record an account of her life upon being diagnosed with tuberculosis. Therese took this opportunity to record just how God had revealed the greatness of His love in her life. What is surprising is that Therese did not come to know of God’s kind love through private revelations, miracles, or ecstasies. By simply taking the message of the Gospel to heart, Therese came to see that all of life’s occasions are a gift of divine providence, no matter how bitter or trying the circumstances of life may become.

Living in an attitude of cheerful acceptance of daily life became the way of Therese’s sanctity. Therese was convinced that all that is necessary for sanctity is for us to accept the great love that God wishes to share with us.Since this love is a free gift, nothing, not even our moral failures can deprive us of it. What is more, Therese demonstrates with her life that this love does not consist of anything extraordinary. We participate in God's love with "a calm and feelingless redirecting of mind and will toward the unseen love, notable more for its steadiness and willingness to go on acting just as it would if it had been carried along by transports of joy, instead of being left bereft of signs and comforts" 1.  This way of Gospel living was so different from the idea of sanctity that prevailed at the time that Therese was led to exclaim that this was a way entirely new to the Church. While Therese’s way of trustful acceptance of God’s love may not be new in the entire history of the Church, it certainly came as a fresh breeze to disperse the prevailing ideas of a punitive God who demands moral perfection as a requisite for His love.

What is fascinating about the Story of a Soul is the personal manner in which all of these insights are related. Therese cannot separate her knowledge of God’s love from her personal life experiences. Indeed, "The power of her message lies in its concrete explanation of how Jesus' promises are fulfilled in the believer who knows how confidently to welcome into his own life the saving presence of God." 2 As one reads her Story, one begins to realize that they have their own story, a story of a relationship between oneself and God. No doubt, Therese’s Story of a Soul will inspire you to make this personal relationship with God a beautiful story of trusting love.

1) Michael Novak, "St Therese, Doctor of the Church", at Catholic Education Resource, (26 April 2018), at

2)  John Paul II, Divini Amoris Scientia, Apostolic Letter Declaring St Therese Doctor of the Church

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