Des Hommes et Des Dieux is a 2010 French film portraying the true story of the martyrdom of French Cistercian monks living in Algeria in 1995. The community of eight monks live in contemplation and humble service to the Muslim community living below their monastery at the base of the Atlas Mountains. Frère Luc is the community doctor, treating one hundred poor and sick Muslims daily in the town. The prior, Frère Christian takes the time out of his day to study the Koran in order to understand the heretical village in which they reside.
War breaks out between the government and the Islamist insurgency, and martial law is declared by the Islamists. Daily life in the small community of monks and poor Muslims is interrrupted with large-scale massacres. The drama of the two hour long movie focuses on increasing violence brought on by Islamist extremists. The monks realize the approaching danger when a group of Croations, working at a patrol station are slaughtered. [1] Christmas Eve sees the Islamist army at the monastery's doorstep, demanding medicine and the "doctor" from the prior. Frère Christian calmly reminds them of the importance of this holy night; the ashamed army retreats. The community then meets a few times and discusses whether or not they should leave the village and return to France to protect their lives. The older Muslims plead with the monks that they provide a stability to the village. "We are the birds. You're the branch. If you go, we lose our footing."
Two scenes in this movie stand out. The first occurs when Frère Luc approaches the prior and tells him of his happiness that he discovered in living a monastic life. Following God's Will has given him peace of soul and a certain detachment from whatever happens afterwards. He acknowledges the Source of his freedom, God on the cross, and knows that he will be free if he remains, whether or not his life is in danger.
The next scene is the most remarkable.

The Islamist army comes on the night of March 26/27, 1996 and abducts all but two of the monks. Frère Christian writes a letter to his family and community and reveals the peace discovered in risking his life for God. "If it should happen one day - and it could be today - that I become a victim of the terrorism which now seems ready to engulf all the foreigners living in Algeria, I would like my community, my Church, and my family to remember that my life was given to god and to this country." [2] Force marched into a snowy forest, the monks were later beheaded, and their bodies were later found.
Although Des Hommes et Des Dieux is a typical European movie, protraying minimal action, it conveys a quiet yet powerful message of laying down one's life for a friend. The title "Of Gods" seems a bit strange, as Catholicism is deeply involved here. Bishop Barron suggests that this phrase comes from Psalm 82: "For lo, they enemies [the false gods] have made a noise: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. They have taken a malicious counsel against thy people, and have consulted against thy saints. They have said: Come and let us destroy them, so that they be not a nation: and let the name of Israel be remembered no more." [3] " It seems right to discern the movie with the opinion that this Cistercian community of men of God was chosen to show that God is in control, not the false god of Islamism, or any other false religion.
The decision to begin the process for beatification began in Rome in 2000. On April 11, 2018, Algeria approved the beatification Mass to be held later this year in one of its villages.
[1] A.O. Scott, "Between Heaven and Earth", New York Times, (24 February 2011), at
[2] "Algerian Martyrs to be Beatified in Oran this Year", Catholic News Agency, (11 April 2018), at
[3] Bishop Robert Barron, "Bishop Barron, 'Of Gods and Men'", YouTube, (4 April 2011), at
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