Saturday, April 30, 2022

Pope St. John Paul II

 The Modern Age of the Church has seen many challenges as well as several dynamic and impactful members. Among these is JPII, known for his Papacy lasting from 1978-2005 and his role in the Sexual Revolution. 

Karol Wojtyla was born in Krakow, Poland in 1920. He was raised in a Catholic and military family. Karol faced a rough youth, losing his mother at a young age and living through the horrors of World War II. In 1944, after losing his father, he joined a school of Theology with the intention of becoming a priest. "In December 1945, he received the two (final) minor orders of exorcist and acolyte."[1] He was ordained a priest in 1946. As a new priest he served as a professor, wrote books, and composed and acted in plays. 

In 1958 Father Karol became a bishop. He was a stellar philosopher and easily reached the youth and married couples. He wrote several books including Love and Responsibility regarding a philosophical look at love and its opposite, the utilitarian mindset. "As a young bishop Karol Wojtyla had participated in the Second Vatican Council, which deeply influenced his life and work."[2] After the death of Pope John I, Bishop Karol would become Pope John Paul II in 1978. 

As a pope, St. John Paul II was revolutionary. To name a few of his accomplishments he wrote 14 encyclical letters, founded World Youth Day, enabled the production of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and gave 129 audiences on sexuality which became known as Theology of the Body. "A key to much of his thought was the inherent dignity of each human person, a concept that is at the heart of the pro-life movement and all Catholic social teaching."[3] 

JPII's life exuded holiness and inspiration. It is no surprise that less than twenty years later this pope was declared a saint, for he made contributions to the Body of Christ which are immeasurable. One instance of particular holiness which impacted the world was when "John Paul II himself gave an example of forgiveness when he visited and forgave the young man, Mehmet Ali Agca, who attempted to assassinate him in 1981."[4] 

The list of ways which this great pope and saint have impacted not only the Catholic Church but the world is immeasurable. "Pope John Paul II confronted confusion with truth, disunity with charity and fear with faith and hope."[5] By living first a life of suffering, surrender and virtue, this pope was able to aid Christians during his life time and even still is today as we struggle in the ever secularizing society.  

[1] George E. Stanley, Pope John Paul II (New York, NY: Aladdin, 2005), 145.   

[2] Alan Schreck, The Compact History of the Church (Cincinnati, OH: Servant Books, 2009), 156.

[3] Schreck, The Compact History of the Church, 156. 

[4] Schreck, The Compact History of the Church, 157.

[5] Schreck, The Compact History of the Church, 158. 

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