Solanus: The Story of Solanus Casey, O.F.M. Cap. is a biography of this
holy Capuchin priest, as the title suggests. It is written by Catherine M.
Odell, who is also the author of Those
Who Saw Her: The Apparitions of Mary and co-author of The First Human Right: A Pro-Life Primer. This book tells Venerable
Father Solanus Casey’s story, a story that is beneficial to read since it is “so
relevant and inspirational.”1 Emphasizing both Father Solanus’
holiness and his normal human joys, this biography is enjoyable and uplifting.
The preface of the book gives the following insight regarding why the
book is advantageous for the modern American Christian to read: “Father Solanus
Casey is an awesome and yet accessible model for our modern times. His virtues
and story “translate” especially well for today’s American Christians.”2 The
preface also provides the reader with a sneak-peak of what to expect in the
rest of the work by describing some of the main characteristics of this holy
man’s life as well as some of the recurring graces granted to people through
his intercession. Some of the reasons that made this holy man so approachable
are also listed in the preface. For instance, it says that he “loved baseball,
hot dogs with onions, and could shoot a fair game of pool.”3

The main character in this work, predictably so, is Father
Solanus Casey. This book tells of the life and doings of this “approachable
holy man.”4 Through this man’s prayers and counsel many people found
healing in their lives or resignation to the will of God in hardships and
sorrows. Father Solanus Casey is shown, in this book, to be a lovable man with
whom it is easy to empathize. The reader is led to realize the insignificance
of this life and of its apparent troubles when one reads that this man, whose
prayers healed so many, seemingly remained indifferent when faced with the
possibility that his legs might need to be amputated.
A major theme running through the life of Father Solanus and
through this book is Father Solanus’ gratitude to God. The reader can begin, perhaps,
to experience some of this supreme gratitude to God when he reads that Father
Solanus was able to thank God even for what would have seemed to others to be
hardships. For example, Father Solanus wrote “Deo Gratias,” that is, “Thanks be
to God,” in his journal next to the entry telling about the early death of his
one-time girlfriend. At another time, he stated, “My whole body hurts, thanks
be to God.”5 This Capuchin father was grateful to God for the ups
and the downs of life. This gratitude of Father Solanus is woven throughout the
book in the same way that it was woven throughout the life of this man.
This book is published by Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. and the year
of publication is 1988. The ISBN number is 0-87973-486-8.
Images used:
First Image: Kiera Kelley, “Father Solanus by Catherine M.
Odell,” scan, 27 April 2017.
Second Image: Kiera Kelley, “Father Solanus 1943 Photo with
Message,” scan, 27 April 2017.
Third Image: Kiera Kelley, “Father Solanus SMA Enrollment
Photo,” scan, 27 April 2017.
1 Catherine M. Odell, Father Solanus: The Story of Solanus Casey, O.F.M. Cap. (Huntington,
IN: Our Sunday Visitor Inc., 1988), 208.
2 Catherine M. Odell, preface to Father Solanus: The Story of Solanus Casey,
O.F.M. Cap. (Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor
Inc., 1988), 6.
3 Odell, preface, 6.
4 Odell, Father
Solanus, 176.
5 Odell, Father
Solanus, 197
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